Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Changes Are Coming to Distance Learning

As you know, these are difficult economic times. The State Legislature, when it voted for the new budget, had to make difficult choices. One of the choices was less money for schools.

Now we - the Adult School - must make difficult choices. We must make some cutbacks.
What are "cutbacks"?

A cutback is a noun. It means to make something smaller.

Starting in May, we will no longer have Distance Learning on Saturdays or off-site at other campuses.

Distance Learning will continue at the Adult School Main Campus 789 E. Poplar.
We will be ready to help you there! But we won't be able to offer Distance Learning at the other times and places after April.

We hope that in the future, when the economy improves, that the State Legislature will be able to give all schools more money and we will be able to expand the program again.

Until then, we will do our best to help you learn Englsh with Distance Learning and all our other great classes.

Friday, April 3, 2009

School Closed for Spring Break

The Adult School will be closed from Saturday April 4 until Sunday April 11.

School will be open again on Monday April 12.

We look forward to seeing you then and helping you with your English.

Happy Spring1