Friday, August 18, 2017

Interested in Distance Learning?

Do you want to study English at home?

With Distance Learning, you can study English at home using your smart phone, a laptop, or a dvd player.  For a list of some of the programs used in Distance Learning, look on the sidebar of this blog.

Every week or two weeks, Distance Learning students meet with a teacher at an appointment. The teacher gives them an assignment.  They do the assignment at home - with their smart phone, laptop or dvd player.  When they return, the teacher corrects their work and helps them practice and improve their English.

Distance Learning is by appointment.  Every Distance Learning student has a twenty minutes by appointment.   This is their special time for study and practice with the teacher.

Distance Learning is for everyone.  Some Distance Learning students cannot come to a regular ESL class.  They have young children or they work many hours at their job.  Other Distance Learning have a regular ESL class but they want extra homework or special practice with an ESL teacher.  Anyone can come to Distance Learning for help with ESL - English as a Second Language.

Like all ESL classes at San Mateo Adult School, Distance Learning is free.

To get started in Distance Learning, make an appointment.  Call 650 - 558 - 2128 to make an appointment.  If the teacher is busy and cannot answer, leave your name and telephone number.  The teacher will call you back and give you an appointment.

You can also stop by Room 29 to make an appointment.  If the teacher is busy helping a student, please be courteous and wait until the teacher is free.

You MUST have an appointment to begin.  The teacher will not give you an assignment until your first appointment.  At the first appointment, the teacher will help you fill out the registration form and ask you questions to assess your level, strengths, needs, and goals.

There are three teachers in Distance Learning:  Carolyn, Cynthia, and Jay.   All three teachers have worked in Distance Learning a long time and have a lot of experience.  Look on the upper right side of this blog for their schedule.

Teacher Carolyn loves to talk about current events, travel, and restaurants.
She is an expert at finding newspaper articles to meet students needs and interests.
She facilitates Lunch Bunch on Mondays and Fridays.

Teacher Jay also teaches the Passport to Employment Class
He knows a lot about writing resumes, job interviews, and finding a good job.
He has many connections to the local community.

Teacher Cynthia loves writing and pronunciation. 
She updates the school website and social media.  She used to teach Parent Ed.
She loves helping parents and grandparents find resources for family success.
She facilitates Lunch Bunch on Wednesdays and Break Bunch on Monday evenings.

Welcome to Distance Learning!

Distance Learning Schedule 

  • Monday 8:30 am - 4 pm Carolyn
  • Monday 5 pm - 9:30 pm Cynthia
  • Tuesday 8:30 am - 5 pm Cynthia
  • Tuesday 6:00 pm - 9 pm Jay
  • Wednesday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Cynthia
  • Wednesday 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm Jay
  • Thursday 8:30 am - 4 pm Carolyn
  • Thursday 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm Jay
  • Friday 8:30 am - 3 pm Carolyn